We checked out of our hotel and picked up Katie at 8.30am. This was going to be our last chance for breakfast at IHOP! Katie had a regular breakfast with ham, eggs and pancakes, Frank had sirloin tipps and onions with pancakes and eggs and I had T bone steak, hash browns, eggs and pancakes. We then returned to the university and Katie gave us a tour of the campus. We saw the Chemistry department, the Maths dept., the Bell Tower and the

Engineering dept., with the

statue of Neil Armstrong outside. We all had our photo taken with him - first of all standing in front of him and then Katie climbed up to sit next to him!
We then walked up to the Purdue Football

Stadium. It was closed as the season has finished so we went to take a look in the shop - the nickname used is the Boilermakers and there is a huge statue just outside the stadium - Purdue Pete is their mascot!
We went back to the union and had a coffee at Starbucks and then took Katie back to her apartment (flat!). We left her there in time to go to her class! It will be mid July before we see her again.
We visited Walmart and Hobby Lobby in Lafayette before setting off for Chicago. I sent Sue Benner a text message on the way there and she called me when we got to our hotel room. We arranged to meet in a

lovely restaurant called White Fence Farm - it serves farmhouse style fried chicken and came with sides of bean salad, coleslaw, cottage cheese, pickled beetroot and corn fritters. We had a delicious meal and it was really good to meet Sue. She told us a lot about Chicago and made suggestions of what we should do tomorrow!
Left photo: Bren and Sue; Right photo: Sue, Bren and Frank
One thing that Frank got excited about was that we had to drive on Route 66 to meet Sue!
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